Monday, November 4, 2013

Follet Readers

Follet reader is an online literacy website.  It allows for teachers to select ebooks.  Some of the books are just made for online and some of them are actual books that have been converted to digital form.  In my classroom, I used this site to project the digital book on the board.  I used the arrow keys to go from page to page.  I used it during a science class.  We were learning how to read informational text and extract important information.  On the white board with the text projected up, I showed my students how to mark up a text.  This helped them see how they should mark up their text when they read informational text.  Marking up the text will keep their attention on reading so they do not get side tracked or read without a purpose.

Marks that I modeled:

  • underlined phrases
  • circled unknown words
  • made connection symbols 
  • exclimation points
  • question marks
  • mini sketches
  • highlighted
  • made mini notes in the margin

I showed students how good readers interact with the text.  This site allowed for me to show the students how to read critically with each person seeing my thinking take flight on the board.
The app allows for teachers and parents to download books on their tablets.  This can be a way to excite students and children to read digitally.

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